Play It Again Sports Plyo Boxes
Plyometrics, likewise known as jump preparation or plyos, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum strength in brusque intervals of fourth dimension, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength). This training focuses on learning to move from a muscle extension to a contraction in a rapid or "explosive" mode, such as in specialized repeated jumping.[1] Plyometrics are primarily used by athletes, particularly martial artists, sprinters, arm wrestlers and high jumpers,[two] to amend performance,[3] and are used in the fitness field to a much lesser degree.[4]
Overview [edit]
Plyometrics include explosive exercises to activate the quick response and elastic properties of the major muscles. It was initially adopted by Soviet Olympians in the 1950s, and so by sportspeople worldwide.[5] Sports using plyometrics include basketball, lawn tennis, badminton, squash and volleyball equally well every bit the various codes of football game.[half-dozen] The term "plyometrics" was coined by Fred Wilt afterwards watching Soviet athletes ready for their events in track and field.[7] He began a collaboration with trainer Michael Yessis to promote plyometrics.
Since its introduction in the early 1980s, two forms of plyometrics accept evolved. In the original version, created by Russian scientist Yuri Verkhoshansky, information technology was defined as the shock method.[8] [ix] In this, the athlete would drop downward from a superlative and experience a "shock" upon landing. This in turn would bring about a forced eccentric contraction which was then immediately switched to a concentric contraction every bit the athlete jumped upward. The landing and takeoff were executed in an extremely short menstruation of time, in the range of 0.1–0.2 second.[9] Explosive plyometrics describes the approach originally created past Verkhoshansky.[three] He experimented with many different exercises, simply the depth bound appeared to be the best for duplicating the forces in the landing and takeoff.
The second version of plyometrics, seen to a greater extent in the United States, involves whatever form of jump regardless of execution time.
Etymology [edit]
The term plyometric is a combination of Greek roots that means to increase measurement—plio- means "more" and metric means "length".
Plyo- comes from the Greek word plythein, which means "to increase." Plio is the Greek word for "more," and metric literally ways "to measure."[10]
History [edit]
Fred Wilt, a former U.s. Olympic long-distance runner, is credited with coining the term plyometrics. He admits that it is not a very good term, merely it was the best he could come upwards with later on watching the Russians execute jumps in their warm-ups prior to their event in track and field. He could not understand why the Russians were doing all of these jumps while the Americans were doing multiple static stretches, but he firmly believed it was one of the reasons why they were so successful in many events.[7] From its ancestry in the early 1980s, the term plyometrics gained greater popularity and is at present well established. When Fred Wilt learned of the piece of work being washed by Michael Yessis in the field of Russian training methods, they rapidly teamed upwards to assistance disseminate information on plyometrics.
In collaboration with Yessis who visited and worked with Verkhoshansky[11] in the Soviet Matrimony in the early 1980s, plyometrics was gradually disseminated in the US. Yessis brought this information on plyometrics back to the Usa and in the post-obit years was able to create even more than ways of using this method to railroad train and better explosive ability.
Plyometrics (the shock method) was created by Yuri Verkhoshansky in the belatedly 1960s, early 1970s.[9] Since then, the daze method of plyometrics is still being practiced for improvement of able-bodied operation past what appears to be a relatively limited number of athletes. These athletes still do depth jumps, the key practise in the shock method, according to the guidelines established by Verkhoshansky.
Most athletes execute simple and complex jumps and call them plyometrics rather than leap training equally information technology was called in the past. This includes the depth jump which was executed in means dissimilar from what was recommended by Verkhoshansky. This form of jump training is very popular simply plyometrics is a buzzword for all types of jumps, regardless of how long information technology takes to execute the jump. Its use is so pervasive that it is even possible to find button-ups described as being plyometric.
Due to the wide use and appeal of the term plyometrics, the truthful meaning of plyometrics as developed past Verkhoshansky has for the nearly function been forgotten. Verkhoshansky was well known and respected worldwide in both the scientific and in the coaching arenas. He was relatively unknown in the United states except for some of his articles that were translated and published in the Soviet Sports Review, later called the Fettle and Sports Review International.
In add-on to creating the stupor method, Verkhoshansky is credited with developing the stretch-shortening concept of muscle contractions and the evolution of specialized (dynamic correspondence) force exercises. Plyometrics, or more specifically the stupor method, is considered a form of specialized strength development.
Before undertaking plyometric training, it is necessary to distinguish jumps that are usually called plyometric and true plyometric jumps as exemplified in the depth bound which is illustrative of the shock method. Since its inception in the erstwhile Soviet Wedlock equally the shock method, at that place take been other forms of the plyometric exercises created by Yessis that practise non involve spring exercises. For details and illustrations of these exercises see "Explosive Running"[12] and "Explosive Plyometrics".[3] These exercises involve the stretch-shorten concept that underlies the shock method.
Exercises [edit]
- Squat jump (jumping squat, jump squat): combination of jump (not to be confused with tuck jump) and squat. Squat down then jump off the ground as high as possible, with extended and vertical legs.[thirteen]
- Tuck spring (tucked bound, tucked articulatio genus jump): with feet shoulder width apart, jump, tuck the legs in, extend them, and land.[13]
- Tuck squat jump: combination of constrict spring and squat bound. Squat down, jump, bring knees upwardly before landing again.
- Lateral jump: from a continuing position, leap side to side.[13]
- Power skipping: on each skip, lift the upper leg as loftier equally possible.[xiii]
- Alternate leg bounding: run with long strides, placing emphasis on hang time.[thirteen]
- Box jumps: leap onto and off of a large box eighteen" or college.[xiii]
- Vertical depth spring: starting from the pinnacle of a box, jump down and back up as fast equally possible.[thirteen]
- Plyometric push-upwards (plyo push-up): perform a push button up, but exert enough upwardly force to elevator the hands and body off the ground.[xiii]
- Broad jump (long jump).
- Pike leap.[ commendation needed ]
- Straddle jump (similar to split jumps used by dancers, gymnasts and figure skaters).
- Lunge jump
Method [edit]
In the depth jump, the athlete experiences a shock on landing in which the hip, human knee, and ankle extensor muscles undergo a powerful eccentric contraction. For the muscles to respond explosively, the eccentric contraction is then quickly switched to the isometric (when the downward motility stops) and then the concentric contraction, in a minimum amount of time.[14] This allows the athlete to spring upward as high as possible.
In the eccentric contraction, the muscles are involuntarily lengthened, while in the concentric contraction, the muscles are shortened later on beingness tensed. Nearly of the stretching and shortening takes identify in the tendons that attach to the muscles involved rather than in the muscles. To execute the depth jump, the athlete stands on a raised platform, unremarkably not greater than 20–30 inches (51–76 cm) loftier, and and then steps out and drops down in a vertical pathway to make contact with the flooring. The height used by nigh athletes is usually quite low in the early stages of training. The central is how high the athlete jumps in relation to the height of the takeoff platform. Technique and jump height are virtually of import at this fourth dimension. While the body is dropping, the athlete consciously prepares the muscles for the impact by tensing the muscles. The flooring upon which the athlete drops down on should be somewhat resilient, mainly for prevention of injury. Upon making contact with the floor, the athlete then goes into slight leg flex to blot some of the force for safety. However, the chief role played by the muscles and tendons is to withstand the force that is experienced in the landing. This force is withstood in eccentric contraction. When musculus contraction is sufficiently keen, it is able to stop the downward motion very quickly.
This phase is sometimes called the stage of amortization in which the athlete absorbs some of the forcefulness and stops downward movement by the strong eccentric contraction of the muscles. The strong eccentric wrinkle prepares the muscles to switch to the concentric contraction in an explosive manner for takeoff.
When the athlete drops down to the floor, the trunk experiences an impact upon landing. The higher the height of the step-off platform, the greater the touch force upon landing. This creates a shock to the body which the torso responds to by undergoing a strong involuntary muscular contraction to forestall the body from collapsing on the basis. This in plough produces great tension in the muscles and tendons which is then given back in a return upwardly move. The faster the change in the muscular contractions, the greater the power created and the resulting top attained.[9]
More specifically, the muscles and tendons undergo a stretch (eccentric contraction) while landing which is needed to absorb some of the force generated but most importantly, to withstand the force that is produced by the stupor that occurs on the landing. The greater the shock (forces experienced on landing), the stronger the eccentric contraction volition exist, which in turn produces even greater tension. This tension, which is potential forcefulness, is then given dorsum in the return movement when the muscular contractions switch to the concentric or shortening regime.[3]
However, for maximum return of energy, minimum time must elapse from when the force is received to when they are returned. The greater the time betwixt receiving the forces and giving them back, the less is the render and the less the elevation that can exist accomplished in the jump. Virtually of the lengthening and shortening occurs in the corresponding musculus tendons which accept greater elasticity.
Another style of saying this is that the faster the switching from the eccentric to the concentric contraction, the greater will be the force produced and the greater the return motility. The speed of the switching is extremely fast, 0.20 seconds or less. For instance, high-level sprinters execute the switch from the eccentric contraction that occurs when the foot hits the ground to the concentric contraction when the foot breaks contact with the ground in less than 0.10 seconds. In world-form sprinters, the fourth dimension is approximately 0.08 seconds. The exact platform height used by most athletes in the depth jump should be less than 30 inches (76 cm) in the early stages of grooming. Virtually athletes first at approximately 12 inches (thirty cm) after doing some bound training. They then gradually work up to 20 inches (51 cm) and so to 30 inches depending upon how well the jumps are executed. The main benchmark is that the athlete is jumping as high every bit possible on every jump.
If the athlete gradually improves his jump height, the aforementioned platform superlative is continued until increases in jump height are no longer observed. At this time, takeoff height is increased by a few inches. If the athlete continually fails to jump very high, the superlative of the drop-down is lowered somewhat.[xv] Most of import here is how high the athlete jumps later on the drop-downward.
The maximum platform height used by a loftier level athlete is no more than forty inches (100 cm). Rather than developing greater explosive power this height leads to more than eccentric strength development. Going higher than thirty inches (76 cm) is usually counterproductive and may pb to injury. This occurs when the intensity of the forced involuntary eccentric contraction upon landing is greater than the muscles can withstand. In add-on, the athlete volition non be able to execute a quick return (fast transition betwixt muscular contractions), which is the cardinal to successful execution of explosive plyometrics.
Because of the forces involved and the quickness of execution, the fundamental nervous system is strongly involved.[16] Information technology is important that the athlete not overdo using the shock plyometric method. Doing so will pb to great fatigue, and, according to Verkhoshansky, slumber disturbances.[17] Athletes have bully difficulty sleeping well if they execute besides many depth jumps. This indicates that athletes must exist well-prepared physically before doing this type of training.[17]
Technique of jumping is also very of import when executing plyometric exercises. In essence, the athlete goes into a slight squat (crouch) upon landing in which the hip, knee joint, and ankle joints flex. The takeoff or jump upward is executed in a sequence initiated past hip-joint extension followed by genu-joint extension which begins during the hip-joint extension. Every bit the genu-articulation extension is taking place, ankle-articulation extension begins and is the simply activeness that occurs as the takeoff (breaking contact with the ground) takes place. All iii deportment contribute force to the upwards jump, but the knee-joint extension is the major contributor.[12]
Every bit uncomplicated jumping [edit]
The about common type of plyometrics used in the United States is unproblematic and relatively easy spring exercises executed with footling regard to execution time. These jumps are constructive for athletes who execute skills in their sport that do not require explosive type muscular contractions. An example is long-distance running in which the runners execute repeat deportment of 20 to 30 consecutive jumps and other cyclic-type activities such as leaping for multiple repetitions.[12]
Such plyometric jumps are likewise used as a warm-up for doing explosive plyometric jumps and for initial preparation of the muscles prior to undertaking exercises such as depth jumps. In essence, they are effective in the early stages of learning how to practice plyometric exercises and for preparing the muscles for explosive or quick jumps. These jumps are similar to those done by youngsters in the playground or in neighborhood games and equally such, do not require additional preparation. Athletes, regardless of their level of expertise, can undertake such jumps in the initial stages of preparation.
When athletes who have been doing plyometrics without regard to fourth dimension of execution get-go endeavour to execute explosive plyometrics, they oftentimes neglect because the fourth dimension of execution is likewise long. This occurs quite oft in the depth jump. The athlete usually sinks (drops) likewise depression which takes likewise long to make the transition from the eccentric to the concentric contraction. As a result, the exercise becomes a jump-strength exercise and not a true plyometric one.
Spring technique remains the same regardless of whether it is a truthful plyometric do or a jump exercise. The hips, knees, and ankles flex when landing and the joints extend on the upwardly return. The sequence and overlapping in the sequence is basically the aforementioned, beginning with the hip extension, followed by knee joint extension, and ending with the ankle-plantar flexing. The major differences in execution are the depth of the landing and the time of executing the switch from the eccentric to the concentric wrinkle.
Studies have been conducted testing ten diverse plyometric exercises on overall functioning during jumping examined by EMG, power, and ground reaction strength (GRF). Of the 10 exercises, the single-leg cone hops, box jumps, constrict jumps, and two-legged vertical jumps produced the highest EMG values, alluding to greater motor recruitment. Power was examined in dumbbell jumps, depth jumps, countermovement jumps, squat jumps, and tuck jumps which all produced the higher ability scale readings. In terms of athletic functioning and training, the plyometric movements that use total torso vibration produced an overall increase in functioning output. A recent study examined two groups using the same plyometric protocol in combination with weight training, ane using loftier loads and the other utilizing small loads, and similar decreases in power were found. This shows that the plyometric exercises themselves had a greater upshot in the decrease in power output rather than the blazon of weight training.[18] [xix] [20]
Safety considerations [edit]
Plyometrics have been shown to take benefits for reducing lower extremity injuries in squad sports while combined with other neuromuscular preparation (i.e. strength training, rest training, and stretching). Plyometric exercises involve an increased adventure of injury due to the large force generated during training and performance, and should simply be performed by well conditioned individuals under supervision. Good levels of physical strength, flexibility, and proprioception should exist achieved before beginning plyometric grooming.
The specified minimum strength requirement varies depending on where the information is sourced and the intensity of the plyometrics being performed. Chu (1998) recommends that a participant be able to perform fifty repetitions of the squat exercise at 60% of his or her body weight earlier doing plyometrics. Core (abdomen) forcefulness is likewise of import.
Flexibility is required both for injury prevention and to enhance the result of the stretch shortening cycle. Some advanced training methods combine plyometrics and intensive stretching in order to both protect the joint and make information technology more receptive to the plyometric benefits.[21]
Proprioception is an important component of residue, coordination and agility, which is also required for rubber functioning of plyometric exercises.
Farther condom considerations include:
- Age: should be taken into account for both prepubescent and the elderly because of hormonal changes.
- Technique: a participant must exist instructed on proper technique before commencing whatever plyometric practise. He or she should be well rested and free of injury in any of the limbs to be exercised.
Plyometrics are not inherently dangerous, but the highly focused and intense movements used in repetition increase the potential level of stress on joints and musculo-tendonous units. Therefore, safety precautions are strong prerequisites to this detail method of do. Low-intensity variations of plyometrics are oft utilized in diverse stages of injury rehabilitation, indicating that the application of proper technique and appropriate safety precautions can brand plyometrics condom and effective for many people.
Benefits [edit]
Many professional and Olympic athletes use plyometrics training to improve muscular strength and jumping abilities which therefore increases their power. There are varying levels of intensity to plyometrics. Some other benefit of plyometrics is that you tin can vary your level of intensity which means anyone looking to better forcefulness and jumping training tin be involved regardless of fitness. With there being so many exercises this means you lot are less likely to go burned out and have a wide range of exercises to choose from. Another skillful reason with so many exercises being available are that you tin can notice exercises that don't crave the use of any equipment. It besides increases muscular force and endurance, likewise increases metabolic rate which increases weight loss and middle rate.[22]
Loaded plyometrics [edit]
A vertical jump with ii 15kg dumbbells held simply above the shoulders.
Plyometric exercises are sometimes performed with an additional load, or weight added. In such cases, they are referred to as loaded plyometrics or weighted jumps. The weight is held or worn. It may be in the grade of a barbell, trap bar, dumbbells, or weighted vest. For instance, a vertical jump whilst holding a trap bar or jumping split squats whilst holding dumbbells. In add-on, a regular weight lifting exercise is sometimes given a plyometric component, such as is found in a loaded jump squat. Jumping onto boxes or over hurdles whilst belongings weights is non recommended for rubber reasons. The reward of loaded plyometric exercises is that they increase the overall strength with which the exercise is performed. This can enhance the positive effect of the exercise and further increase the practitioner's ability to apply explosive power.[23]
Encounter besides [edit]
- Ballistic training
- Calisthenics
- Complex preparation
- Power training
- Force training
References [edit]
- ^ Chu, Donald (1998). Jumping into plyometrics (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. pp. 1–iv. ISBN978-0880118460.
- ^ Starks, Joe (25 Apr 2013). "An Athlete'due south Guide to Jumping College: Vertical Jump Secrets Uncovered!". Athlete Culture. Archived from the original on 11 May 2013. Retrieved 30 April 2013.
- ^ a b c d Michael Yessis (2009). Explosive Plyometrics. Ultimate Athlete Concepts. ISBN978-098171806-4.
- ^ Yessis, Michael (2 January 2013). "Why is plyometrics so misunderstood and misapplied?". Retrieved 3 April 2020.
- ^ "Stupor Method and Plyometrics: Updates And An In-Depth Examination" (PDF).
- ^ "RUNNING STRONG, INTRODUCING PLYOMETRICS". Fitness PRO Magazine. Archived from the original on 2016-06-04. Retrieved 2016-05-18 .
- ^ a b Wilt, Fred & Yessis, Michael. Soviet Theory, Technique and Preparation for Running and Hurdling. Vol 1. Championship Books, 1984.
- ^ Yuri Verkhoshansky (1966). "Perspectives in the Improvement of Speed-Strength Training of Jumpers". Legkaya Atletika(Track and Field). 9: xi–12.
- ^ a b c d Yuri Verkhoshanski (1967). "Are Depth Jumps Useful?". Legkaya Atletika (Track and Field). 12: 9.
- ^ Voight G.Fifty., & Tippett Southward.R. (2013). Plyometric exercise in rehabilitation. Hoogenboom B.J., & Voight M.L., & Prentice W.E.(Eds.), 'Musculoskeletal Interventions: Techniques for Therapeutic Do, Tertiary Edition'. McGraw-Loma.
- ^ McCadam, K., "Russian Grooming Legend: Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky." Retrieved online April 22, 2012 from Archived 2013-09-27 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ a b c Michael Yessis (2000). Explosive Running. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.; 1st edition. ISBN978-0809298990.
- ^ a b c d due east f g h "Beginner'due south Guide to Plyometrics". Fine art of Manliness. 21 May 2010. Retrieved 11 April 2014.
- ^ A.S. Medvedev; V.V. Marchenko; Southward.V. Fomichenko (1983). "Speed-Strength Structure of Vertical Jumps by Qualified Weightlifters in Dissimilar Take-off Weather (Condensed)". Soviet Sports Review International-Teoriya I Praktika Fizicheskoi Kultury. 19: 164–167.
- ^ N.I. Volkov; V.M. Koryagin (1976). "Systematization of Special Basketball Exercises (Condensed)". Yessis Review of Soviet Physical Didactics and Sports. thirteen #4: 110–111.
- ^ North.A. Masalgin; Y.V. Verkhoshansky; L.L. Golovina; A.M. Naraliev (1987). "The Influence of the Shock Method of Grooming on the Electromyographic Parameters of Explosive Effort". Teoriya I Praktika Fizicheskoi Kultury (Theory and Practice of Concrete Civilisation). 1: 45–46.
- ^ a b Yuri Verkhoshansky; Natalia Verkhoshansky (2011). Specialized Force and Conditioning, Manual For Coaches. Verkhoshansky SSTM.
- ^ Ebben, West. P.; Fauth, Thousand.L.; Garceau, L.R.; Petrushek, E.J. (2011). "Kinetic quantification of plyometric exercise intensity". Journal of Strength and Workout Research. 25 (12): 3288–3298. doi:10.1519/jsc.0b013e31821656a3. PMID 22080319. S2CID 21797959.
- ^ Beneka, A. Grand.; Malliou, P.K.; Missailidou, V.; Chatzinikolaou, A.; Fatouros, I.; Gourgoulis, V.; Georgiadis, East. (2012). "Muscle functioning following an astute bout of plyometric training combined with low or loftier intensity weight exercise". Journal of Sports Sciences. 21: 1–9.
- ^ Ebben, Due west. P.; Simenz, C.; Jensen, R.L. (2008). "Evaluation of plyometric intensity using electromyography". Journal of Forcefulness and Conditioning Research. 22 (iii): 861–868. doi:10.1519/jsc.0b013e31816a834b. PMID 18438229. S2CID 207501404.
- ^ Marc De Bremaeker (2013). Plyo-Flex. ISBN 978-1938585104.
- ^ "Pros of the Plyometrics Workout". Alot Health. 2015-02-18. Retrieved 2016-05-xviii .
- ^ Hansen, Derek, Kennelly, Steve, 'Equipment' in Plyometric Anatomy, Leeds: Human Kinetics, 2017
Further reading [edit]
- Brooks, One thousand.A; Fahey, T.D. & White, T.P. (1996). Exercise Physiology: Homo Bioenergetics and Its Applications. second ed. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Co.
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